Pure Enzyme&Fiber
This product contains water soluble and insoluble fibers, digestive enzymes and
prebiotics. Water soluble fibers (such as inulin) have a jellylike forming property and may help improve digestion and transit times. They may also lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels and help to reduce the sudden peak in blood sugar levels after easting. They may also have a beneficial effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and, indirectly, on the mucosal membrane of the intestines. In the case of infection and diarrhoea, they help bind toxic substances produced by bacteria, supporting quicker healing. The insoluble fibers (orange fiber, bamboo) bind water but they do not dissolve in it. They expand and in this way help to fill out a given section of the large intestine, supporting the efficient passage of gastrointestinal content. They also have an important role in supporting quicker and easier elimination of roughage. After ingestion, the expanding fiber fills out the intestines, providing a feeling of satiation, while a part of the consumed nutrient leaves the body unchanged, helping to reduce calorie intake and thereby reducing the risk of obesity.
Pure Enzyme&Fiber’s unique combination of orange, bamboo and inulin fibers, prebiotic and lactase enzymes (*lactose digesting enzymes) promotes the improvement of digestion, the proper absorption of ingested nutrients and helps to optimize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Further, by increasing satiation and thereby reducing appetite, it promotes reduced calorie intake. These benefits can make the lowering of your body fat percentage easier to achieve while improving the quality of your intestinal flora, which is a significant influencer of your ability to use nutrients efficiently.
* Lactose intolerance is a global phenomena. 75% of the human population cannot digest lactose well, although it is present in milk and dairy products. The lactase enzyme is an ideal solution for people with lactose intolerance since it may permit them to consume lactose containing products without the usual side effects.
It is important for everyone to consume fibers, enzymes and prebiotics. The optimal daily intake of fiber is 25-35 grams. Pure Enzyme&Fiber can be taken up to two times a day, supplying 5 grams of HNLabs PreFiber on a daily basis. For best results, each serving can be further split enabling smaller serving sizes to be consumed with each meal. It is best to start on a small dose and work up over a few days when introducing soluble fiber to your diet. This allows your body can get accustomed to the change.

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